Heating Robot Help

Heating controller is at URL http://heating.netlinux.org.uk/.
Requires username and password.

The interface updates immediately when you bring it in view, so there is no need to hit "refresh".
The time shown at the bottom (which shows on refresh) is sent from the controller to check it's clock is set correctly.

How to use

Direct Control

You can see whether the control is on or off immediately as the button is  coloured 
In the shot above the "Boiler" is "On" since the "ON" button is  coloured .

Timer Control

This shows the days of the week across, and time of day down.
In the shot above the "Boiler" is set to come on in the morning a various times, and turn off at 9am during the week (Monday to Friday),
Also all days it's set to turn off at 11pm which is added to make sure it it not left on during the night.

You can change the timers just by clicking in the field you want to change and altering it.
Remove a timer (which is the row) by clicking "Remove" on the right.
Add another timer using the bottom row, which can be changed after it's added if needed.